Thoughts on ICBC’s “Enhanced Care” Model

In May 2021, ICBC (BC’s government-run car insurance crown corporation) made a major change to how they deal with injuries and vehicular damage resulting from car accidents. As a result of my April 2024 crash, I’ve experienced the full gamut of services provided by ICBC under their no-fault insurance scheme, which removes the ability to sue for vehicular and injury … Read more

Near Death

I have few recollections of what occurred at the time of the accident, and recall little of the days immediately following it. What follows then is the best I can do describing my accident of April 14th, 2024, and lengthy, ongoing recovery. I plan to return to this post from time to time to provide recovery – likely monthly – updates (at least for as long as there is something to still report), as that piece is still very much a work-in-progress.

A Personal Philosophy

Philosophy: the beliefs you have about how you should behave in particular situations in life. I’ve tried to live with a few simple guidelines for some time now. I’m not really one for manifestos or rigid creeds, but recently I’ve been trying to think of my values in terms of a simply stated philosophy. A few words that can encompass … Read more

Building Better Habits

I’ve written about my desire to do more of this or less of that many times. I tend to get a little melancholy about the change I don’t make but strongly desire. My formula for doing so usually follows a pattern. Develop a goal, somewhat broad or vague in nature (get to bed earlier, read more, etc.), try to do … Read more